The extended Coastal Grove Partners Network includes over both private and institutional investors along with a community of globally recognized and leading universities, corporations, governments, and influential partners.
Coastal Grove Parnters utilizes a fund of funds investment optimization strategy. We are a SUPER Fund of Experts Investing in Experts. This strategy allows us the opportunity to review several thousand startups each year through the highly sophisticated evaluation and vetting processes of our partner investment funds. Furthermore, because each of our investment partner funds has key areas of domain/industry expertise, each company is evaluated by experts that best understand the startup technology and market. This deep industry knowledge allows our investment partner funds to identify and invest in only the companies that have the highest likelihood of succeeding and providing the greatest returns. Our relationships with our partner funds means, “We invest only when they invest.” In addition, our existing equity positions create additional proprietary follow-on investment opportunities as the portfolio companies in our partner funds raise capital to support their growth and success.